With or without RH bill

This picture disturbs me.  I took this snapshot at around 11 am on a weekday.  These grown able bodied men could have been out working for a living during that time.  They should have been toiling to provide better future for their family, instead of indulging in a life of leisure and self-pleasure they cannot even afford.  Wow, they were playing chess.  How cultured.

Now, where could the women be?  I could imagine them possibly at home taking care of their brood, wondering what to feed the family with their limited budget. Maybe some of them own sari-sari stores or maybe some go out to beg on the streets with their kids.  These women face challenges daily such as how to feed, clothe, educate their growing family while some men go on their merry way.  

When some of these 'carefree' men come home to the mother of their children, they produce even more offspring that they cannot properly care for.  They usually live in impoverished slums, areas of filth, where their family's health is at stake.  I think of them whenever there is a storm and flood rises.

These 'laid back' unemployed men who are ignorant about saving for a rainy day should know the value of hard work.  If they work at regular 9 to 5 hour jobs, they probably would not have much energy to boost their family size at a rapid pace.  In doing so, it would even upgrade their family's quality of life.  

It is about time these passive, too 'easygoing' men, shift their perspective from seeing women as their favorite pastime and babymaking as their favorite sport to becoming better husbands, fathers, and active members of society.  The unemployment rate in the country is really not an excuse.  There are plenty of opportunities out there if they look hard enough and work hard enough.  With or without RH (reproductive health) bill, I hope they see the light that their family's success or plight is really up to them.  



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