Rappler's PH Social Good #2030 Now at Mind Museum

Got lucky to attend Rappler's event this year at the Mind Museum on September 16, 2014. Tickets at eventbrite ran out fast, but I kept checking for it everyday until there was finally one available and I took it. Yay! There were limited seats at the event. I went to the waiting room and there were so many of us waiting for our seats there. I stood up at the right moment and was called by one of the staff to come in and take my seat inside. Yay! Lunch time, they were giving free food and they ran out of food stubs. I was asked to join them in Rappler's VIP room instead. I ate lunch with the organizers and speakers of the event. How inspiring! Yay! Lucky me :)

This was an empowering event that I wish more people could have witnessed. Luckily, they have a recap of what transpired online http://www.rappler.com/move-ph/social-good-summit/825-2014/67408-social-good-summit-2014-manila

I was there :) 

Let's make a difference and act for the Social Good :)

Manila #2030now



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